
One day, I'll slip some film in here (120mm, I think?) and give her a go. Alas.. I don't have time to mess with my film hobby just yet. And over Thanksgiving, I have some reading to tend to. So many books I want to read for fun. Makes me wish I was being driven home by a chauffeur so I can take advantage of that 5 hour road trip.

Oh.. did I mention that I made a 100 on my neuro final? A 100. No mistakes. No bonus points. Huzzah. Finally. I wanted to celebrate by taking a sleeping pill and going to sleep at 7pm and not waking up until 7am. While I did take a sleeping pill (ok fine, tylenol PM), I did not get to bed early. But oh my goodness. When I woke up (Tuesday morning), I felt as if I had slept for the first time in an entire month. I slept so deeply and so wonderfully.. I'm gonna have to take some more tylenol pm. I feel a slight addiction coming up if it can help me sleep. Okay, so that's an exaggeration, but it was so lovely not to be woken up by nightmares or quizzing myself in my sleep so that my heart starts beating faster. It literally has been over a month now that I haven't been able to sleep. I don't know what to do about that unfortunate fact. I know why, but I still can't do anything about it.

To sleep.

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