Lord Bantry's Hunting Lodge

Good heavens!!! The rain stopped, the gale dropped, the mist evaporated and yes, warm sunshine broke out!! What a glorious day. The peninsula was a hive of walkers, kayakers, cyclists and us - we took to the hills! We went upwards - the colours are extraordinary at the moment, vivid greens and oranges and slate greys. It was very boggy and slippery but we saw not a soul, just 3 wild goats far off in the distance. This view if half way up Rosskerrig mountain and might be worth biggifying. The white building is an old hunting lodge once belonging to the Earl of Bantry - I'm not sure what he'd be hunting but his rights included a quick yomp across our land too. Amazing how a bit of sunshine instantly lifts the spirits.

Tonight a glass or two of something nourishing and a DVD are in order. The choice is Live Flesh ( hopefully not quite as lurid as the title suggests!!! It's another Almodovar rather than something dodgy by Warhol) or something on Morris dancing - tough choice!!!

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