Red Squirrel


Whimsical Web

Another hectic day - 2 hour paddock dunging session, the owner of Spot the pony (who I've nicknamed Spotty Muldoon - the pony that is, not the owner! lol) came to take him away to his new long-term home (he'd only been here temporarily whilst she found somewhere closer to her home). Plus hairwash and housework. Phew! Oh, and I still need to have a bath before bed ...
It was heavy mist first thing this morning (even heavier now) but it did ease somewhat in the middle of the day. So whilst dunging I came across quite a few lovely dripping-in-dew webs - many of them created using bits of hair etc attached to the barbed wire fence. I snapped loads. Having to get out in the paddock for a dunging session DOES have some plus points!
So although I blipped a web last Sunday, I'm blipping another today - a toally different sort to last week.
I loved this one especially as it almost seems as if the water droplets are suspended in mid-air, the threads supporting them almost invisible.
Here it is LARGE.

I also loved this shot of some dying weed stems festooned with webs - like a christmas decoration.

And here's a slideshow of some of the other quite lovely ones I snapped.

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