wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

A tricky choice

My job is in community development and stuff, one of those vague areas that can include everything and anything, so I was sent off to Adelaide to see how people in the same area as me do it elsewhere. It involved going all over the place, meeting squillions of people, and seeing lots of different programs. Day one was EXHAUSTING. My brain was fried by the end, after talking to so many people about what they do and how they do it.

Being Tasmanian, Renae and I were totally keen to go swimming - 23°C is great weather for that, but when we got to the (deserted) beach, the breeze was just a little too chilly, so we stuck to wading in the shallows while watching a young couple have wedding photos. We went home, had dinner and then raced back for the sunset. Only to be one hour early. Still, that meant we got all the beautiful pre-sunset light. I got some good shots, and had a lot of trouble deciding which one was today's pick. It pretty much came down to eenymeenymineymo between this one, this strutting bird and this classic urban sunset. But the whole (abridged) album is just here.


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