Experiments 11 - Me and Scotland The World Over

This is a self portrait taken at the Shore in Leith. My attempt at taking part in Scotland The World Over! The weather in Edinburgh was rather cold and windy today. This was good because that part of the Shore was empty of people and made me feel less self conscious and conspicuous when taking this picture!

Last night I slept ten hours!!! And I felt so much better for it today, although my cold is not completely over. These things take a while, unfortunately. But I'm feeling much much better. I haven't done much more apart from doing some shopping and catching up with stuff. Basically, I had a quiet and relaxing day off.

Now relaxing a bit more, getting ready for work tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on my colourful curtains experiment! I hope you all had a good start of the week! :)

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