Experiments 12 - The Wheel going round fast!

The purpose of this experiment was to make the wheel look like it's going really fast, which it really doesn't. I wanted to achieve this by moving my camera around the subject, something I tried in this blip a while ago. It didn't come out exactly as I expected, but close. I took a few shots and this one was the one that came out best. The most difficult thing was to keep the wheel in the centre. Not easy!

So, this is the last of the experiments series. Not too sure what to do next. Last year I did 25 Christmas shots, one for each day of December leading up to Christmas, like in an Advent calendar, but I'm not sure if I can handle taking 25 Christmas shots in a row again! It might drive me crazy or put me a bit off the whole Christmas thing. So I might just do 12 as my usual standard, we'll see. I'll have a think tomorrow.

The weather was awful today in Edinburgh, very windy and rainy. Only a few people ventured up the Royal Mile to do the tour, and I don't blame them! If I hadn't been working, I would have stayed at home, nice and warm. Tomorrow we expect to be a bit busier because it's St. Andrews day and we're offering the tour for free for those who download a special voucher online. At least the day will go a bit faster!

As for my health, I'm definitely on the mend! Can't wait for the weekend, by the way, I'll be off for three days!!! :)

Thanks very much for your nice comments on my entry for Scotland the World Over project. I'm hoping to get into the film! And I hope as well you had a nice day today! :)

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