A time for everything

By turnx3

Wet, wet, wet!

A miserable day here in southern Ohio - its not stopped raining all day. Yesterday I rented a carpet cleaner to clean the carpets in the dining room and living room, and then this morning, before going to Advent study at church, I did Jen's bedroom, which we finally finished papering over the weekend, and the landing. This afternoon I went to the gym and got a good work out - I hadn't been in a week, so with the excess of Thanksgiving it was definitely necessary! This tree with its red berries and water droplets was by the path and asking to be blipped! Then this evening we started putting stuff back in Jen's room. I had washed the windows and curtains, and had the comforter cleaned, so its nice to think at least there's one really clean room in the house!

One year ago: Reflections in the stream

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