A time for everything

By turnx3

Project in progress

Just a quick indoor blip taken this evening. It was another cold wet day, and when we came out of church this evening after hand-bell practice, we were greeted by our first snow of the season! It didn't come to much - just enough to form a layer on the cars and the grass. The day got off to a bad start - I fell back to sleep after I first woke up, then woke up later with a bit of a headache as I usually do when that happens. Then it took me a while to get going, so I was cross with myself for wasting several hours out of the morning. Once I did get going, I went out to get a belated start on Christmas shopping. That proved to be rather frustrating too. Then at Bell practice we were disappointed to hear we most likely won't be playing at Mason Christian village (a retirement community) which we were scheduled to do next Tuesday evening, as we will be missing two members - one is sick with pneumonia, and the other has just recently realized it clashes with her son's school concert. So, all in all a rather disappointing day. My project is a Project Linus blanket for the Knitting ministry at church - a nice cheery color for a grey day!

One year ago: Morning sky

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