Sami's Snaps

By SamiColenutt

Junk food.

I woke up this morning thinking that I might not be able to move due to the amount drunk the night before. So much pain. Luckily a couple of cups of orange juice, the bike ride breeze back to the hire shop and the thought of junk food got me through.

We managed to find our way back to the supermarket to get some of the yummy dutch chocolate before heading to a noodle bar and scoffing our way out of a hangover. We strolled around a lot today taking everything in for one last time. Looked in some more shops, smelled some flowers in the markets and tried to go to the cannabis museum but it was closed. We went to the red light district briefly but all found it a bit sad more than anything I think.

Everything in Amsterdam is tall. The shopping centre was massive and the Amsterdam museum was even bigger. It seemed so weird that such a huge building was just in the middle of the chaos that is Amsterdam. I had a brilliant few days though. Full of a lot of fun and laughs. I would definitely love to go back. So many other places to see though...

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