Susie'sLittle London Life

By susieb

London Zoo

Day 2 of the stay-cation and Gareth is knackered. He says it's due to a lingering virus, but the rest of us know that it's because Sam and I have worn him out.

We went to the zoo (with our lovely friends) and saw lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Ok, maybe not all of the above, but we definitely saw some giraffes, gorillas, and plenty of penguins.

Sam and Max are of an age where they're starting to talk to each other, and it's absolutely classic.

"Have one of these Max!" (handing him a crisp). "Mmm thank you Sam". "You're welcome, Max".

"Sam, Sam, come here!" (pulling him off a bench). "No, Max, Sam's sitting down".

And the best: Sam sprinting off through a tunnel...... "Nooooooooooo Sam, COME BACK!!!!!". Obviously we left the toddlers to chase after each other whilst their parents fell about laughing........

Happy days......

Oh, and the rest are here....

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