Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Poppy (repeated)

This is the poppy I posted last week. It has lost all it's petals and is looking very arty farty particularly if you put an off camera flash on top. I wasn't going to post this. I am having one of those "I don't like that, what else can I do" days. I popped out lunch time today but there must be something up with the surf because not much was happening on that front. I took a few shots but was not happy with them. It was hot today (30C plus) and people were out swimming but it was also windy and that probably mucked the waves up. The sea was definitely choppy.

I did take a shot of the children's pool. I have taken so many shots there in the evening if you are interested in seeing it in the daylight warts and all see here

The storm that was predicted last night never happened. Another is forecast tonight but I am not sure whether to believe those naughty weather forecasters.

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