
By PeregrineF1

Urban Birding

Just over a year ago, I "discovered" a superb area right on the edge of town that looked an excellent candidate to become my local patch. I have stuck with the area since, and it certainly rewards persistance!

A friend contacted me at the end of October to tell me he had seen 4 short-eared owls hunting over my local patch. To say I was gob-smacked would be an understatement! I got down there as soon as I could and found two were still using the area.

Exactly a month to the day they were first seen, they are still here! It took me all month, but I finally saw all four a few days ago and have finally managed to get some photographs and videos of this most superb of birds.

Not only is it a thrill to see so many in one place (I have never seen more than one at a time up until this), but it is a bigger thrill that it is on MY patch. It makes the thought of the rapidly approaching winter most bearable!

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