The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

A portrait of Nanny Mary

Nanny Mary bumped into Ally last night in the supermarket. We had lost touch when she had been evicted from their Tied cottage when the "Big house" was sold. It's been a Hell of a year for her, but she's smiling again.

When I moved here, Mary looked after the lads before and after school and allowed me to get my life back on track. Finding myself suddenly a single mother was difficult, but she made it normal and easier for me to pick myself up and get to work. She loves kids, has a heart of gold, is soft and genuine. What more do you want in a nanny?

We had a lovely chin-wag and a cuppa, in a real cup and saucer no less. Setting the world to rights takes it out of you. I need as lie down.

In other news-

Almost finished a late birthday present, but I'll need to live with it for a few days before I can assess whether it's worth giving or hiding it forever in the attic.

Back to work tomorrow, so expect moans from here on in.
You were warned.

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