A Lost Island

By lostisland

Biology Field Trip: Day 4

So today the sun came out again.... but now we had 60mph winds to deal with. Fortunately the bees behaved, the rhododendrons held out for another day, and most groups *finally* decided on a project to do. The stress levels are still high as we move onto stats... I can't wait til it's all over tomorrow. I'm so glad I'm not being assessed.

I get really excited when they let the cows roam on the estate. Domestic lambs aren't cute for long but calves are so awesome and dribbly and stay cute for aaaages, and they are a bit inquisitive too so you can get quite close to them and try to tempt them with handfuls of grass.

I didn't realise quite how cow-biased my photographs were until I got home.

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