
I've been buying records regularly (and somewhat extensively it must be said on occasions) since I was lumped in with the alternative crowd in the sixth form back in the mid-80s, mainly for having an indie haircut and buying New Order 12"s. Since then I've developed pretty eclectic tastes from listening to the likes of John Peel back then and more recently from working in music retail in a great store that sold tons of vinyl and pretty much every genre going (it was the old Fopp on Cockburn Street for those that can remember).

And, I was on about the 60s girl groups last week and how completely timeless that music is, I can't help but listen to it now without the hairs on the back of my neck standing up at the sheer energy of it, the sheer pop thrill that comes from a music that I don't mind admitting I've welled up at quite often when listening (I'm alright typing now, emotions are in check, don't worry...). I get a similar emotional response when I listen to a lot of late 60s/early 70s jazz too, and I often think how, although I love a lot of modern house/techno type stuff it really doesn't compare in terms of innovation, invention and general 'otherness' to a lot of what went on back then.

Take this for example. It's more mellow than a lot of his stuff, but as an introduction to that realm of astral (or spiritual if you prefer) jazz it's just perfect.

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