Christmas Tree

The Bros have been nagging asking when we were going to get our tree for a few days now so this morning Bro4 & I headed off on a tree hunt. In the second garden centre we found a perfect tree, 6 foot and really bushy, perhaps a bit too much, it barely fits :-D

The bloke in the garden centre was surprised at my insistence that, no my husband wasn't collecting it later, I would fit it in my car. And it did, just.
So tree home, now to get it in the pot, easy peasy, that why we have stupidly big saws in the outhouse.
Feeling quite pleased with myself I went to get The Bros from school and had plans for them all to help decorate it.

So Bro1 dragged all the decs in and lo and behold the lights didn't work. This wasn't part of the plan, those lights have done us proud since before we had any Bros! A 5pm trip to Argos to get more lights certainly wasn't part of the plan either. I was utterly raging mildly upset when on getting home I found these new lights were faulty. So after tea Bro1 & I went to Asda to try for more lights.

Hurrah at 9pm we have a tree decorated and with working lights, the living room is a tip but oh it smells gorgeous. The littler Bros are all tucked up in bed so they'll get to see it in all it's Christmassy glory in the morning.

Top of tomorrow's to do list, take those rubbish lights back to Argos.

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