Perfect pomegranate

Himself went to Organico in Bantry and came back with two pomegranates. There is nothing more delicious than a perfect pomegranate, in my opinion and these were perfect - fat, juicy, scarlet, dripping with flavour and each little jewelled pip consumed and savoured! I have seen pomegranates growing in the wild in Greece and Spain and they have very beautiful and unsual flowers. They are also a superfood and excellent for colds!

They are of course associated with Peresphone. Would you like a story - it''s a good one! Persephone lived above the Earth with her mother Demeter, the goddess of all things bountiful. Perspehone was of course beautiful and caught the eye of Hades, God of the Underworld. He demanded her as his wife but she refused so he kidnapped her by force and took her to live in his underground palace. Her mother, in despair, refused to allow the crops to ripen or the flowers to bloom. Eventually Zeus ordered Hades to let her return above the Earth. However, while she had been in the Underworld, Persephone had eaten 6 juicy seeds from a pomegranate and those who ate in the Underworld were fated to return. She was allowed to return above for six months of the year during which time everything flourished and blossomed, but was also condemened to spend six monfths in the gloom of the Underworld, and at this time all the light and brightness left the earth - can you see where we're heading? That's roughly it. I love a good Greek myth.

And no mention of the weather!!!!

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