Rain, rain, go away!

Yesterday I waited for the rain to let up and the skies to clear so I could take my walk in the park. None of that ever happened. The rain didn't let up, the skies didn't clear, and I didn't take a walk. Today I didn't wait. Cloudy skies and drizzly rain were not going to hold me back another day. I walked for over an hour before I came home, changed into dry clothes, and had a cup of hot cocoa, made the way my mother used to make it.

I chose this picture to represent my rainy day walk because that bog, which is full of water to the delight of the mallards, is usually dried up at this time of year. Today it is full to overflowing. The weather service issued flood warnings, claiming that we have far surpassed our record rainfall. And still it rains. Maybe tomorrow it will stop.

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