
By Ilaria

Dark and broody morning sunrise and silhuoettes!!


Just off a busy night shift, tired and it was pouring rain!! What to do?? I needed a blip!! So toddled off to Tesco, as I also fancied a Hot Chocolate before diving into bed!! Am being very bad...maybe it's the dreary weather...but Hot Choc with cream and marshmallows did appeal....and I was thinking vaguely of blipping it too!! Lol!!

On leaving Tesco though....the rain had stopped, and there was vague, but lovely colouring to the sky where the sun was DETERMINED to provide a bit colour to the greyness!! And the distant trees were lovely shapes against it!! So here's the brief, but lovely scene that brightened another grey day!! :-)))) A cheeky bird crept in too!! Lol!!! :-)))

Am home now, enjoying a lovely Hot Choc, and works, before heading to bed!! Am still smiling/laughing about a conversation I had with colleagues last night!! There is definately a lot to be said for humour being a good therapy and de-stressor!! And if you want to survive in nursing you need to laugh alot!! In my twenties I was so much more serious, and intense!! NOT now!! I'll laugh at almost anything!! I have to say last night's humour was cruder than I'll skip it here!! I did put it in earlier... But maybe it was a bit too much in writing, although funny at the time!! Do hope it didn't offend anyone??!! 'Handover' time can be a stressful time... Or rather a time when stress can easily be handed on!! So it's good to have a bit of a joke too!!

Still one of the best 'hand over' laughs I've had was while waiting on my Boss to finish writing her notes and get started. I, and several colleagues, had just got our first iPhones and were downloading as many silly apps as possible!! I had discovered one called Talking Carl!! Utterly childish, repeating everything you said in a mocking high squeeky voice!! I'd switched it on to show my fellow childish colleague, when my rather stressed out Boss turned on me irrately asking what I was doing!! Oops!! I said I was just showing her something on my phone, at which point she got annoyed and announced I wasn't meant to have a phone on at all!!! Rather unfortunately 'Carl' heard her and promptly repeated in a high squeeky voice...." But you're not meant to have your phone on at all!!!" About 5 colleagues were hovering and all collapsed laughing!! Thankfully, even when stressed out, the Boss does have a sense of humour!!!!!!! The echoed laughter from 'Carl' had us all in fits!! The patients ended up laughing at us laughing!! And they later spend a hilarious half hour in stitches at this stupid app!! Definately a success!!! :-)))))) THAT was a happy shift!!

On that note.......
Good night!! :-))

And thanks for yesterday's SP, and all who even had a wee look at my backblip!!! :-)))

Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That Laughing out Loud, when I write it!! :-)))))))))))))

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