
By doli

Liliane in the mist

We had the Very Small Choir's Moderately Sized End-Of-The-Year Eaty Drinky Christmas Thingy tonight.

It was a lovely, gentle, misty evening, with just the choir and our handful of devoted 'groupies' (including Tobe the dog - our Host with the Most). Plenty of red wine, pink lemonade, three kinds of chicken (including Thai chicken balls to die for), smoked fish, cucumber sandwiches, three kinds of cake... Some well chosen classical music, candle light and good-humoured frivolity.

Plenty of photos to choose from, but I like this one of Liliane, our guitarist's 'groupie'.
(She looks a bit worried, but she's not - she's French).

N.B. 'Groupie' - our definition: husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, 'significant other' or (in a couple of cases) dog.

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