Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

No Illusions

I realize this photo is probably not going to get many views, and will certainly not get any stars or a heart, but it gives me a warm feeling. If C's reaction is typical, most people won't know what the things hanging on the wall are. She said the whole thing looked like a xylophone. I had to agree with that. Woodworkers will recognize them as pipe clamps -- indispensable when it's time to glue pieces of wood together.

For years, my clamps used to stand upright in a corner. Trying to pick up the ones I needed always reminded of the game called Pick-Up Sticks, where you take turns trying to remove little wooden sticks from a pile without making the pile collapse. The pile of clamps always collapsed, and every time it did I would tell myself I needed a storage rack. I didn't use the clamps very often and would forget about my frustration long before it was time to use them again.

After more years than I care to disclose, I ordered this rack from the Rockler catalog a few weeks ago. Now this may seem silly, but I kept putting off installing the rack because I couldn't bring myself to drill holes in the beautiful walls of my new workshop. I finally managed to violate them tonight. The next time will be easier.

Now I need to make something that needs gluing up.

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