
By 42

The Sky's the Limit

So, after all the praise of the last couple of days, you might well think that the sun shines out of her behind. I can confirm that this is not the case. However, Mrs42 is very flattered by all of your kind words. You might even tempt her to leave the odd comment if I ever get off the computer :-)

This morning we took a drive up to Cairnpapple Hill, which is an ancient henge and burial site. The views are pretty impressive too and apparently its the only place in the country where you can see the coast at both sides (you can see Goat Fell on Arran and Bass Rock off the East Coast on a clear day).

At the site the original excavation team built a concrete bunker to protect the main burials which actually makes the place even cooler! There is this rickety old ladder you have to climb down to see them - but the view back up to the entrance hole from down in the ground with the sun in just the right spot was ace. Somehow up there the sky and earth were in balance.

Lazy afternoon and even looking forward to the football this evening!

I hope you're all having a great weekend.

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LOTD: Lucian's grasshopper close up is incredibly close - check it out.

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