Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


As in without equal. A peerless day.

Actually there was a peer, or rather pier, and this is the sun setting behind it. Before this we had had the most astonishingly good three course lunch in terre a terre and, I confess, a cocktail and a couple of large glasses of wine. Oh and a verrine of borsch with vodka in it that had a mighty kick.

The food was - well just awesome. Probably the best meal I have ever eaten in terms of quality and variety of taste on the plate.

Then a bracing walk in bright winter sunshine, a brief meeting with an old friend, and shopping in the North Laines. One of those days when everyone you spoke to was chatty, friendly and lovely (particularly the waiting staff in terre a terre who were brilliant). Bought lots of stocking fillers

If you want to see some of the other pics click here.

But i warn you some of them might make you salivate ...

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