At the Allotment

We decided to visit the allotment today, to show A what it looks like before the snow comes! It was bitterly cold and it rained the whole day! M&Z went a few hours before us, to make fire in the little kitchen stove and light candles and lamps, to warm up the cute little doll's house, before we arrive! They took bread, butter and cooked savoury mince with them and prepared yummy jaffles for all of us! A and I think we are in Heaven, what with all the special breads, festive rolls, pancakes, etc, which are wheat free, gluten free and dairy free, available to us here! I even had toast with cheese, totally free of all the allergens, for lunch yesterday!! So ?.. the jaffles were even good enough for the two of us. ;-)

Can you believe how green everything still is, even thought it was winter for a couple months already? This picture was taken through the little allotment house's one window, facing the next door neighbour's house!

We left the allotment just after 14:00, and we haven't reached the bus stop before it started to ??? SNOW!!!! Yes, you read it ?? it started to snow!! Woohooooo!! I have NO photographic proof of it, my camera was hidden tooooo deep, and I had to concentrate not to slip on the sidewalks, the snow turned into a slippery wet sludge, because of all the rain the whole day! C will, however, publish a few pics on facebook, and I will surely show you REAL SNOW tomorrow!!! Hiehiehiehie!!

A sure early night for me tonight, yikes, we walked a zillion km's on the slippery roads this afternoon, I am out on my feet!! Luvvvvvv it!

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