Foraging wren

There was an old man with a beard, who said: It is just as I feared! Two owls and a hen, four larks and a wren have all built their nests in my beard.

Edward Lear

Raspberry has been dosed with an elixir called Outburst, similar to the Bach Flower Remedies and I'm calling Green Hope Farm in New Hampshire per order of Bethanne for a some drops formulated just for me. I got myself so worked up over the renewed cat feud yesterday that I was physically sick. I'm calmer today, we have a new set up going that is working at the moment. Max is up in my painting loft curled in the basket on the stand alone closet. She cannot reach him, the cat flap to the stairway is blocked much to her anger. She's hyper alert and has done some hissing. At the moment they are both sleeping, she looking innocent . Last year, when he was isolated in the bathroom or a bedroom for his safety, he screamed and ranted and cried. Now he can see us and seems calmer. At night we have her with us and he has the run of the house. We'll see how it goes. We will take them for a ride, but not today, I'm tired and T has a wicked headache from her sinus infection. I think that might do the trick, mutual terror bonding from a car jaunt.

My nephew G made it to Sweden safely last night. He must be freezing since he had his hair shaved off extra close for a end of term Queen Mary course-work performance. We are so thrilled that he is with them for a long and wonderful holiday.

For the Record,
This day came in cold with big snowflakes falling weakly. 20 degrees and seasonal finally.

It's finally cold today and we had a few weak snowflakes drifting around in the early morning.

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