Nut Game 2011

I think I attended the first of the family boxing days when I was around seventeen. Mr C explained to me that they allways played "the nut game". Perplexion turned shock as I witnessed the ferocious speed at which this game is played. Of course as a novice I was annihilated immediately.

This image is trying to capture how serious this business is. The expectation, the preparation, the odds, the cheating. Last year I broke a chair, this year another chair was broken and blood was spilt.

This year MrsW returned to form and regained the championship which she lost to her sister last year - the one and only time in some 40 years!

I gather the nut game was played on Eastenders last night. I must see if I can review it, I wonder if it resembles the frenetic mayhem and unbridled rivalry that boils up for half an hour once a year in the C household. Fantastic fun, but not for the faint hearted.

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