A gusty sunrise

Up horrendously early to say farewell to son number 2 who's on his way home to Bristol - himself on airport duty. Neither son is particularly enamoured of early mornings, as son number 2 grizzled ' b******d mornings; I can't be bothered with them!!!' The gales are back so I should think he'll be in Bristol in no times! Son number 1 went back to bed and I had the luxury of a morning bath with some of my new Christmas smellies, an early morning read from my new book 'Solace' by Belinda McKeon and two breakfasts.

A great Christmas - it has just flown by but the evidence remains - deflated balloons (with lights in, very cool); half a Christmas cake (historic), droopy Christmas tree, wilted holly,exhausted cats, a lot of sweetie papers, abandoned cereal bowls, damp towels and an empty vodka bottle. Son number 1 returns tomorrow but he's still lusting after a bit of dangerous wave action - eek.

Emergency trip to Durrus to find milk - it was like a ghost town complete with tumbleweed, but there was a fine gusty sunrise going on.

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