Mr Nosey

The usual dreich weather but I did manage a wander along the shore during a brief dry spell and a few minutes of sunshine. No sign of any shore birds just lots of debris washed up during the storm, still , it was great to blow away the cobwebs!

Back indoors I settled down to watch the antics of the garden birds, the timid wee coal tits being pushed aside by the blue tits and great tits anfd the chaffinches with their mid air clashes as the battled for their spot at the feeder station. Today there was a family of wrens and a pair of blackbirds . I could have stayed there all day, they were so entertaining.

As always the chaffinches , being very greedy, were also very obliging and posed happily for me. This well fed blackbird seemed to be staring right in at me , maybe he was wondering when I would get rid of the greedy chaffinches so he could get near the food.

Hope all is well with everyone and that the wintry weather picks up , after all tomorrow we will be into thesecond week of the year. How time flies! 9 That's just given me an idea for tomorrow's blip. Way to go !!!

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