Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Where Did the Time Go ?

I mentioned in yesterday's journal entry that today would be the start of the second week in January. How time flies! Also mentioned that it had given me an idea for today's blip which I have followed through.

John is a Salvador Dali fan and he we visited his house in Spain many years ago.We were particularly interested in the " liquidity " of the clocks in the famous paintng. Our daughter bought John the large clock you see on the left hand side of the image and this is what started me off. He also has a collection of pocket watches which he uses when he is in full Prince Charlie Highland dress. So I used these , and a rock which I had found on the shore to try to sort of create something similar to the original painting.

After I had set up and taken the shot I had abit of fun selecting the centre pocket watch and warping it to look like Dali's warped clocks- not easy and had to try a whole range of tools to get the effect I was after. Thought the addition of the tiny Dali figure gave it a bit of something extra.

Any way this is my take on what Dali calls the " malleability of time" - intrepret as you wish - for me I think it might suggest that time can seem to stand still ( as in the unaltered watch on the right ) or seems to be constantly moving as in " time flies" depending on what is happening in our lives. It definitely stood still during the three days we were without electricity

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