Lawnmower 3

The third instalment of the Lawnmower Series.

You will perhaps recall Lawnmower 1 - pre industrial revolution
Lawnmower 2 - pre internal combustion engine

Lawnmower 3 illustrates the most complex lawnmowing device thus far. In order to facilitate the cutting of grass by use of the internal combustion engine, in addition to useful features such as wheels and blades, several consumable components are required:
1. Petrol, of the two-stroke variety.
2. Oil, of the engine lubricant variety.
3. Externally applied, directional motive force, of the bloke variety.

You will observe that this particular bit of lawn (the driveway-without-a-car) is at window level. At one time, there was residual driveway gravel in said driveway. This was not good for the windows.
It took a mere 20 mowing seasons for all the gravel to be removed using this method:
driveway > lawnmower > windows.
Now that there's no gravel left, the glass has been replaced and everybody's happy, particularly the glazier, who paid for his annual holiday with what he earned replacing every pane of glass on that side of the house.

Edit: Puffy shirts can be misleading, so in case anyone is misled, I might just mention that absolutely none of the above-depicted bloke's personal person extends frontally over the top of his belt. All puffiness in the shirt department is mere air, not beer-gut, wine-gut nor gin-and-tonic-gut. He has washboard abs that are the envy of all the other blokes. As well as cute knees.

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