Trial and Error

By DawnC

A bit blue

It didn't last for long but there was a little bit of blueness around while I was walking the dogs this afternoon. Pretty average Tuesday otherwise: woke at 4am, couldn't get back to sleep so read, went to work, came back from work. Feeling a bit like an empty-nester at the moment as Mr DawnC is off on a boys' night in tonight (yes, in...) and Sons 1 and 2 are at a friend's. I still have Basil and Polly though! And plenty to do.

In other news, it's the first garden waste collection day of the new year and half the houses on the estate have put their Christmas trees out. The refuse collectors usually come first thing in the morning, however there's been no sign of them so far and it's now 3.30 pm. I suppose they might still turn up...


Son 2

4.10 pm and the collection has now taken place, Christmas trees included.

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