Refreshment after exercise

A planned photo for today. In the local village shopping centre is perhaps the best deli I know, here or in Auckland. The owner/manager sources local and "organic" options wherever possible and also on-sells high quality produce from else where. Their sandwiches are a delight.

The piece-de-resistance, however, is the coffee. Imported fair trade Arabica beans, which are roasted by a local enterprise. The best roast is saved for the beans described as "organic", and that is the one I buy. Mostly beans, which would be reclaimed by the roaster from the deli if not sold within three weeks of roasting; he never needs to, as the rate of sale is so high.

A couple of months ago, I was in Market Provedores to buy lunch (ahead of time) on a Monday, and the lovely woman who has established and runs this place was unusually distracted. To such an extent that she explained to me that she was expecting the regular Monday walking group ladies for their post walk coffee and cake.

My intention, therefore was to take a photograph of Market Provedores on a Thursday, and remark that the exercisers were absent. Chance altered the intention, as the sole customers when I ran past this morning (shortly before lunch time) were this couple who had parked their bicycles, reflective vests and helmets while taking their refreshment of coffee and snack.

S and J and I went to the nearby pottery, where we had lunch, and got a pot and some platters(the best chosen for daughter-in-law), before doing other necessary provisioning before the big family gathering tomorrow.

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