An Everyday Rocket

By everydayrocket

Conversation with Myself

I scrambled tonight to get a blip in - rocketing here and there - and was never grabbed by a must-have shot while out and about. No convenient trip to the market where I could make use of the floral section either, which saved me in a previous blip time-crunch. So, I sat on the couch, tired, TGIF'ing and racking my brain for an idea.

"House plant?" I thought. "No, did that for new year's."

"Kitten?" popped up next. "Umm, overkill." Nor was she doing anything especially noteworthy (curled under the coffee table, woo woo).

"I know!" a flash of hope, "Let's detail white knight's extremely intricate tattoo. It can follow-up the blip of him getting inked!" "Alas," my self replied, "white knight is away, doing man things with other men, and possibly swilling beer."

My brain proceeded to flatline at 'beer' and so I sat some more. Then I began to hear a whisper. "...stage something...stage objects around me...things that represent me...the makings of a blip are here if I just look."

"A STILL LIFE?!" I shouted (okay, not really, but we're storytelling here). "Yes, a still life," the whisper continued, "with more than silly fruit, composed of objects around the house that tell a little bit about me." And thus, I bring you, a contemporary still life.

Never in my life have I deliberately set up inanimate objects together like this for a photo - it was fun, it was fast, and it does tell you a bit about me:

I love green things, and all things living, really - like squirrels. Horses are part of my soul (a few of my family's beasties here). I read like its my job (that's an e-reader, totally enables my habit). I love candles and warmth and the comfort of home. I love the sky (this is off Sunset Pier, Key West, taken during my honeymoon) and moving and traveling and being (the turtle comes with me on trips, and always features in at least one photo somewhere majestic along the way).

For a quick dash about the house and some pressure-driven inspiration, not to shabby, you think?

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