An Everyday Rocket

By everydayrocket

"From such crooked wood..."

" that which man is made of, nothing straight can be fashioned."

After yesterday's close-up still life experiment I decided to push the limits of the mobile's macro capacity. It was a toss up today between the above and a plant detail (which is cropped but otherwise untouched). I feel like the abstractness of this is more in tune with today, it being Friday the 13th (shock!, awe!, *eye roll*) and all. And yay for day two of me doing something new with photography - abstract, whaaaa?

Special praise for those of you who can sort out what it's actually a detail of...

A good friend and luthier hand made the subject of this blip (hint, hint). The piece pictured here is actually very distinctive to the instrument (wink, wink). Although, clearly, I've been rocketing around too much to mind my dusting, for shame.

People capable of turning basic materials, such as a slab of wood, into beautiful and functional works of art humble me. Watching that level of craftsmanship in action is inspiring. And I would much rather be inspired on Friday the 13th than spend it watching absurd horror movies; so, mission accomplished.

Have you figured it out?

(Entry quote, Immanuel Kant)

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