Northern Exposure

By Northern


Last stage of out Tour de Isles. Shapinsay, only a few miles off the Orkney mainland within spitting distance of Kirkwall. The ferry only takes about 25 minutes so it is possible to go over in the morning, spend the day and be home in time for tea.

However it helps if you don't miss the 9.45am ferry!!!

We sat in the car at the slip watching the rain fall whilst we waited on the next boat an hour and a half later. Got drookit in the time it took us to get the bikes off the rack and onto the ferry. Steamed gently in the company of a boatload of guests heading to Shapinsay for a wedding. And grinned at the nice man who said he wouldn't charge us for the bikes as it was raining.

First stop was the RSPB reserve Mill Dam. By this point the rain had subsided to a smir but even so the hide offered a warm and dry refuge for us to eat our lunch and enjoy the birdlife. The hide is superbly set up with binoculars and spotter scopes laid on and loads of information. All sorts of wildfowl to be seen but the highlight was watching a big grey heron battling with a huge eel. All big pointy beaks and writhing serpents. Very dramatic!

After that we wandered up to the north west corner of the island but decided to abandon thoughts of going further as by this time the rain was turning into the type that makes holes in yer face and the wind was gathering speed. Thankfully Shapinsay has a superb restaurant and heritage centre in the village the boat comes into, so we holed up there with hot coffee and carrot cake.

Our tour ended up with us tired and wet in the waiting room for the ferry. Everyone has really enjoyed this holiday (despite the story the pic appears to tell). Our last day may have been a bit of a wash out. We may all have more bruises and sore muscles than we did 2 weeks ago but we will certainly be using our bikes to spend more time on the outer isles of Orkney who knows where we'll end up...!

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