
More here about Dream by Jaume Plensa (Spanish artist). Video of the construction.

It's a wonderful place, although slightly marred by the fact that there is some damage and graffiti - I don't understand why people feel the need to destroy things.

Not much else happening. Am very tired. Seem to be sleeping a lot.

James has provided entertainment all day - particularly enjoyed his 'rant' in Asda when he quite loudly proclaimed that "people shouldn't come shopping and then stand around chatting and getting in the way" - as I was trying to get something from behind a group of shoppers doing exactly that....beat a hasty retreat, but quietly chuckled that he is definitely a mini me!

Full roast dinner.

And on getting James' bag ready for school, discovered his first interim grade sheet. It's very positive - with him already having beaten his year end target for science, met his target for ICT and showing really good progress towards his other subjects. I'm pleased :-)

Other than that, it's time for sofa and snuggles. No telescope tonight - it's good conditions but I really couldn't muster the energy or enthusiasm.

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