Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Chim Chim Cheree

You shouldn't have to guess what happened here today! Of course I'll link the song, but I'll step over Dick Van Dyke and give you the Louis Armstrong version. Did anyone not notice the deliberate mistake? I've no idea why there is an ariel attached to the chimney. There would be more chance of getting a terrestrial BBC signal in outer Mongolia than in this valley, 20 miles from London!

It's been a productive day for a change. I've managed to move all the extras, of which none are mine, that have been littering my sitting room over the past months, into a now overflowing spare bedroom. The seats from the back of my car are still stashed behind the sofa but that's only because the car is full again, ready and waiting for a trip to the skip tomorrow.

It sounds good, but I can enjoy my tidy room for less than 48hours. The chimney sweep was here in advance of the builders who will start knocking my fireplace out on Wednesday.

I can live with that.
Another piece, that has been littering my life for the past eighteen months, is an inset stove which is finally going into place. Hopefully that will mean less ash to envelop my every possession, and be a more efficient continuous heating source.

Once installed I can plan my next project ; to rip up the horrible beige carpet which absorbs every paw print and get hard flooring down.

Decluttering is good for the soul, but not for my guests at the moment.
Note to self: Bedroom sort out tomorrow or someone might have to use the sofa!

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