
By EgyptUnveiled

Meat man

Halal meat hangs covered in white cotton. A busy street, buses and motorbikes constantly tooting their horns (Unnecessarily)
Pedestrians and cyclists battling with the oncoming traffic. Dust kicked up from inpatient drivers that have to slow down to climb the sleeping policeman that have been built by residents to stop the speeding 'Youf'

The busiest time of the day and then it all slows down, each day it gets slower and slower. The tourists are becoming fewer and fewer.

The familiar sight of the donkeys making their own way to the river to meet their guests from motorboats - gone.

Camel convoys through the village - gone.

With the 25th January looming, people are waiting, unsure of what will happen. Boredom has set in already. It will be another long summer.

Nothing to do except wait.

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