2014 #project365

By CherryBerry

My leaving do.

I left my job on 19th December last year which, fortuitously, was the date of the company's Christmas party so I counted that as my leaving party. However, another colleague left a week later (to come and work at the same place I'm now working) and she was keen to have an 'official leaving do', so we had it today.

I forgot my proper camera and my iPhone doesn't take very good photos in artificial light so I didn't bother taking many photos. Out of the few I took, I've chosen this one as my daily blip.

It features 2 Community Development Officers, Bob on the left and Jim on the right. They are both what is probably best described as 'top blokes' and I miss them loads. In October, Jim did a 48 mile walk for a hospice and raised pots of money. It turned out to be a an October heat-wave so he did so well to finish. He says he is still suffering now, poor thing.

Despite it been my leaving party, I was home by 11pm. I'm pretty boring like that.

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