Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

Verily I Blip Gleefully, Yet Otherwise Ramble

Happy to report that I didn't overdo it last night on the single malt (Jura Origin in case you wanted to know). I can't deal with hangovers anymore and so I do my best not to drink enough to get one anymore! Just a couple and I may have a sneaky G&T tonight.

Weekends are too precious to waste feeling rubbish!

I think the only time in recent years when I've had a hangover and thought the evening before was worth it, was in Fort William in the Ben Nevis Bar (I think). We'd only planned to stay for one drink as we were going to climb Ben Nevis the next day, but this awesome cover band called Wonderland were playing and we ended up there for the duration.

I felt wretched the next day but the forecast was for 100 mph gusts on the tops, so we wouldn't have gone up anyway! Instead we wandered in the valleys and marvelled at the wildness of it all.

Today's been wild! Haven't really got outside and I'm having a lazy one so leaned out of the window and blipped this rainbow that appeared briefly.

I also caught up on Sherlock - how brilliant and what a fool I was to dismiss the first series without even seeing it. I'll have to get hold of it!

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