One Street in the Snow

I think sometimes the agony (Yes. Agony...) of picking a photo to put on Blip is harder than getting the photo in the first place.

I know in a million years (or even in a few seconds if I'm brutally honest), it won't matter if I blipped a badger, a baker or a candlestick maker (what do you want to be when you grow up Jimmy? I want to be candlestick maker miss! (Would that conversation have *ever* happened?)). When the universe implodes or explodes or whatever it will eventually do, when we're dust and atoms with no coherence, no-one (not that there'll *be* anyone), is going to look back and say;

"Remember that day in 2012... or was it 2013.... when PaulFS posted that really really crap blip? Haha - what a fool!"

But in the meantime, in the here and now, when I'm in my bubble at home in front of my laptop, I will suffer a small agony on a snowy day like today when opportunities for blip jumped in front of me like lost lemmings looking for a cliff. (He's over there! Singing at Wimbledon!)

So finally I picked my photo, opened it for one last look and then zoomed in on it...

Oh no!!!!

The crop!! The zoomed crop alone makes a good photo!! (Or maybe not...) But do I prefer it to the original?





Why can't it be 55%/45% one way or another?

Because that would be too easy...

I'm bored with myself now.

This was the original and the crop is the blip.

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