The high road

By Travellersjoy

The Harringtons Place (we think )

An action packed afternoon with freespiral, three hours of exploring my neighbourhood, we began with an old ring fort, then on to three abandoned cottages, the first and my blip, was up a very muddy track, we had a good nosey inside which was interesting. I love the way these old houses nestled so snugly into the mountain.
We met neighbours on our walk, who were happy to tell us as much as they new about the houses and their past inhabitants, in fact we got caught red handed at one place, luckily I knew the farmer! At the third cottage we scrambled over or in freespirals case under a fence ( I was kind enough not to post this blip ) to get around the front and venture inside. The stairs were still there, even with the old carpet on them.
Finally we spotted a sheep with it's head stuck in sheep wire and managed to release it, our good deed for the day! What an adventure, great fun.

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