Velvet lad

Rejoice in the things that are present; all else is beyond thee.


We are so happy to see Max regain his strength. His coat looks better, his appetite is good and it's another very normal day so far. He seems pretty relaxed and ready for his heavy sleep period. He'll be going up to his loft quarters soon and Raspberry will be coming down from the bedroom. They seem used to the separation drill, but we find it quite upsetting. Unfortunately, it's the only way to keep the peace and provide safety for both animals when you have a small ruddy velociraptor in the family.

Ruby and Nelson returned from their Squirrel Appreciation Celebration, having been gone for several days!

I have a periodontal appointment and some errands to do today. It's like a spring day, melted snow, sun and warmth in January.

For the Record,
This day came in warm, a January thaw after a tiny feel of winter.

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