Dogs Days


Fenton Tower

The boys going for their morning walk. Well it is 3 in the afternoon but being nightshift this is morning to them. I quite fancy the staying in bed and sleeping during the day, but it was -2 last night and I was tucked up next to my fire.
They have paused for a photo in front of the pink castle. It's a 16th century tower located in East Lothian. Now for your history lesson, Patrick Whytelaw, son of Lord Ruthven, constructed the current building around 1550.

In 1591, King James the VI of Scotland, son of Mary Queen of Scots and Lord Darnley, was surrounded by a rebel army in Fife. The locals helped him escape and he took the ferry over the Firth of Forth to North Berwick and took refuge in Fenton Tower. In 1650 Oliver Cromwell destroyed it. In 1998 it was restored and if you have loads of money you can now hire it for weddings, functions or just go and stay in it.
I like to feel I have educated you Humans even if it's just a little bit each day.
Luv and Snugs Ginnie XX

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