Every Day Is A holiday!

By musings

Horse In The Country

I woke up this morning to some sunshine. Thursday is choir practice, and we have both a morning meeting to discuss what we are going to do at practice, and then the actual practice in the afternoon. We went through the new songs and decided how the parts would go....lots of penciling in of changes and decisions.

After the morning meeting it was still looking rather nice and feeling almost springlike so I decided to take a drive out into the countryside near our house, and found some new spots I had not previously discovered. As I rounded a corner and a blind hill, I noticed a white horse on a hilltop to the left. I opened the windows and got off a series of shots....it was cool as everytime he breathed out you could see his hot breath making a fog! He was so pretty standing there with the sun hitting him from behind. Then I could hear a car approaching.....gravel flying and figured it was time to be on my way!

If you'd like to see more photos of the horse and another of the countryside and a hawk I saw (haven't looked him up yet, so hope it is a hawk :), check out my Flickr photos CLICK HERE!!

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