Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

About books

2 days ago I commented that I was working on a book about Egypt and remembering being there for the beginning of the revolution. The 1 year ago blips also remind me. Well, I don't want you to get the idea it's a coffee table book or a political treatise. But it will use some of my photos in some sort of artistic way - mostly pictures since I am NOT a writer. I always do a little journal on a trip - Like this -something that will fit in my pocket and jot down quick sketches. this one is less than 6"x 8". Then when I am home I will fill up the spaces with photos , but it's very messy and the pictures are too small. So I'm going to try out the book software in Aperture -it seems to have lots of options,( I only know )- and experiment with some larger photos and perhaps a few scanned images of sketches. It's a travel journal in pictures. I regret that every bird on the nile was too blurry! (think I've learned how to use the telephoto better now!)

I also do love to make "artist's books" with my own theme, or some I have collaborated on with a writer friend, with her poetry. My goal for 2012- -yes, this is a written new year's resolution :-) --is to put together a website with some of this work. I'm not the most organized or disciplined person, so we shall see. They are usually constructed, flip books or accordian or in a box or something so hard to view and time-consuming to make. But not all possible on a computer....

Fiona is due soon..... for the weekend . tomorrow I'll explain that!

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