
A drive back over the pennines having met my Mum half way between the white rose county ( yay!) and the red rose county ( boo)

Nature is simply amazing this week

How can you fail to be inspired by these colours?

It was probably about my 100th Blip felony as I stopped and sneaked onto a farmer's path to get this shot

One day, one day they will have to make a whole new law for blip but until then I shall be an anarchic revolutionist right through and through ( that's anarchy from someone who sat in on a Friday night and ate prune yoghurt to celebrate her week) Che Gueveraz had nothing on me I tell you !

Off out to celebrate the week properly with some good friends Vicky and Laurence who have been level headed, and none judgmental in all the recent stuff and who have helped out money wise when the shit has hit the fan.

I imagine there will be a coca cola or two tonight and maybe even a rhubarb yoghurt... it is Saturday after all!

More anarchy

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