Dogs Days


Subdued Labradors

Today's pictures were meant to be of the big dogs getting bandaged up but as all you blippers know sometimes another photo opportunity presents itself and you need to store your planned one for another time. The labradors were away shooting today and came home quite depressed. You see the 31st January is the last day of the Pheasant shooting season. Cock birds can still be shot on the 1st February and then thats it until October. So today was the last shoot that they will be at for months, thats why they are a bit depressed.
Todays picture was taken on top of a hill near Kelso and I have to say that when he's working at shoots Dan Dino, can look very intelligent and a little handsome. I will try my best to get my Back up Human to get the boys bandaged up for a photo session tomorrow.
Luv Ginnie, Xx

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