What Do I See

By MatthewHicks

The Second Most Important Things In The World

These 3 cars are probably the most important things in our 4 year old son's world right now, second only to his flat Eric cuddly toy (comforter / teddy).

Cars the movie, and Cars 2 rule his world. The DVD's (or seedeedee's in his language) are on every day, he must have watched the first film dozens of times now. He plays with his cars, morning noon and night, they come in the car to school, they are in his bed at night and the first thing he asks for in the morning. He knows their names and they race and fly around the house having adventures.

I remember being like that, and I love seeing him invent his own stories and worlds.

Octonauts have been relegated to water based adventures for the time being, Lightening McQueen, The King and Chick Hicks have non maritime adventures

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