Eagerly awaiting!

Thanks to Toni and Ali, Rachel and I will be going to dinner there on Thursday night with them. Rachel is my plus one for, yes you guessed, the wedding, (I'm even boring myself with so much chat about it) and she has met Toni but not Ali yet. As Ali and Rachel are both from the borders they both have quite a few mutual friends and Ali's mum even worked with Rachel's Dad in the past ~ spooky small world...On top of that a friend of Ali's; Isla, went to school up north with Claire who is now on diploma with me, Facebook told us of this of course. Never mind the 6 degree's of separation, its 3 degree's !!!

Really its thanks to Ali's boss for this present and to Ali for sharing it with us for this bonding dinner pre wedding banter! 32 sleeps!

Very hectic day of uni and MOT today then randomly crashed at Toni and Ali's. I was a clean stop out though lol x

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